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Wildlife Animal Toys | Safari Ltd.

Wildlife Animal Toys & Figurines

Toys are a great way for children to use their brain in different ways. Our wild and forest animal toys are lifelike, and many of them are posed for action. No matter what your child's interests are, we offer a... Read More

  • Jellyfish - Safari Ltd®

    Jellyfish Toy


    Endemic to both fresh and salt water and found in every ocean, jellyfish are free-swimming aquatic animals identifiable by their large dome shape. ...

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  • Clown Anemonefish - Safari Ltd®

    Clown Anemonefish Toy


    A relatively small type of fish endemic to the reefs and shallow lagoons of the Indian and Pacific oceans, there are over 30 different species of ...

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  • Horseshoe Crab - Safari Ltd®

    Horseshoe Crab


    Did you know that because the origin of horseshoe crabs dates back to the Ordovician period (about 450 million years ago), they are considered livi...

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  • Blue Tang - Safari Ltd®

    Blue Tang Toy


    While the blue tang has an incredibly wide range of habitats, including the reefs of the Philippines, Japan, Australia, Florida, and Africa, it’s n...

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  • Flying Fish - Safari Ltd®

    Flying Fish Toy


    Famous for their ability to leap out of the water, flying fish are able to glide long distances when airborne. Flying fish don’t actually have win...

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  • Goliath Grouper - Safari Ltd®

    Goliath Grouper Toy


    Endemic to the tropical waters and coral reefs of the Florida Keys, Bahamas, Caribbean, and Brazil, the goliath grouper is massive saltwater fish. ...

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  • Catfish - Safari Ltd®

    Catfish Toy


    Catfish belong to an order of freshwater and saltwater fishes that are notable for whisker-like structures called barbels on their face. Most catfi...

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