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Incredible Creatures® Realistic Animal Figurines

When it comes to child’s play, animal toys have been a reliable go-to for children all over the world. While there’s no denying the charm of a stuffed animal, realistic animal toys take a child’s sense of wonder, curiosity, and... Read More

  • Black Widow Spider - Safari Ltd®

    Black Widow Spider Toy


    Black widow spiders are part of the “widow spider” group, which includes 31 species all contained within the family Theridiidae. Although they hav...

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  • Honey Bee - Safari Ltd®

    Honey Bee Toy


    Honey bees are some of the hardest working creatures in the animal kingdom. Worker bees labor tirelessly day in and day out their whole lives, and...

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  • Monarch Butterfly - Safari Ltd®

    Monarch Butterfly Toy


    An incredibly iconic species of butterfly, the monarch can be found in many parts of Northern and Central America. Monarch butterflies are pollina...

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  • Orange-kneed Tarantula - Safari Ltd®

    Orange-kneed Tarantula Toy


    Also known as the Mexican red-kneed tarantula, the orange-kneed tarantula is primarily native to Mexico, although they now inhabit many areas in th...

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  • Scorpion - Safari Ltd®

    Scorpion Toy


    Scorpions are easily identified by their segmented tail tipped with a venomous stinger and their prominent claws. Like spiders, they are arachnids ...

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